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How long does marijuana stay in your system?

On Behalf of | Oct 11, 2024 | Criminal Defense

If you’re facing marijuana-related charges, such as driving under the influence (DUI), a test may be done to check for the substance in your system. For example, the authorities may ask you to perform a urine test. This will demonstrate if you’ve been using marijuana or not, as it can be difficult to determine if a driver is actively high during the traffic stop itself.

One important thing to note is that marijuana can show up in a urine test for up to 30 days. Whether it shows up depends on the frequency of use. If you used marijuana one time in your life and it was 30 days ago, it should be well out of your system. However, if you have been using it every day for the last five years, then it may show up in a urine test for the next month – even after you stop.

Complicating a DUI

This can really complicate things if you are facing impaired driving charges. Say that you got pulled over driving home from a friend’s house, and the police say you were impaired at the time. You claim that you weren’t high and you didn’t break the law. The police don’t have a breath test reading to rely on as they would during an alcohol-related arrest.

As noted, a urine test does show the presence of marijuana in your system, so the police can claim that shows you were high at the time of the traffic stop. You counter by saying that you hadn’t used any marijuana that day and you certainly weren’t high.

In a situation like this, things can get highly complex and other evidence may need to be examined. It’s very important that you understand all of your legal defense options when facing these charges.